Financial Investing

The best financial investing advice is to choose where and what to invest in, which is where every financial investor needs to begin. Preferably after gaining some knowledge in the investing world by learning all of the ins & outs, and the costs & fees within everything from beginning costs to the results. It’s a pretty big area to grasp at first.

Rich Dad Poor Dad What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money… Robert T. Kiyosaki $9.99
Rich Dad CASHFLOW Strategic Investing and Educational Board Game, 2020 Redesign $70.09

With a little time, and some education just about anything is possible. Just make sure you look deep into the facts on everything because there is a lot of information that you will need to learn to get good at this and not lose your money. My parents nor my schooling ever taught me anything about money or my fiscal education in general, because that’s America, go to school and get a job to then pay the government in taxes every single year because they own you.

401k’s are still one of the MANY SCAMS The government has created to steal YOUR MONEY. Betting only on hopes & dreams will cause everyone to go broke or in debt!
Facts! It’s 401(k)aos and that’s it. Educate yourself and learn the tricks the government uses to steal your hard-earned money. The facts are scary, but are only there to learn from, and to know when to avoid if and when possible.

Investing and Trading are not the same but are similar in some regards. Trading typically has a fee for every trade you make, and most investments are free to make and may have minimum amounts required to invest and follow the fiscal rules.

After looking through all of the options, I was going to use E-Trade originally but decided to use Vanguard after looking deeper into the costs of everything, and am happy with that choice. It always comes down to the final cost or value in the long-term, and for me, it is Vanguard simply because I am a long-term investor and have no want or need to play the “trading game”.

Everybody really needs more research on and into everything because a lot of the time large companies prey on the uneducated to take advantage of their lack of knowledge and to charge for otherwise unneeded services that were never needed in the first place.

Truly one of the better ‘educate yourself’ links from Investopedia: How to Become a Self-Taught Finance Expert but there are many others as well. I spent some time looking over everything here and elsewhere before ever actually investing anything. I wish my parents had told me about this kind of information when growing up.

I remember when I was much younger telling myself “I will never invest because I did not want to risk losing it”, and now that I’ve gotten older and wiser about investing & money in general, I understand everything very clearly because nobody can ever predict what the stock market will do. It is always a long-term ‘game’ that you will only win if you are in the ‘game’, and just make sure you have done research before throwing a lot of money into something before knowing all of the intricate details.

Everybody tries to play “the money game”, just make sure to spend your valuable time & money in the most efficient ways possible to achieve the largest benefits! Time is everything when trying to play “the money game”, and never forget, that nothing is free, ever, there are hidden costs everywhere.

Worst US stock market crashes in historyAnd of course, I’ve got to have investments in multiple areas to grow my money and to ensure holding & growing the original investment(s). In the long-term history, Gold & Silver have held and increased in value quite well. Even starting small, pays off in the end, so get started.

There are several ways to perform wise investing and to rush nothing…

$50 extra for free!$50.00 FREE DOLLARS w/$10.00+ investment!

I myself have been investing using my ROTH IRA, ETF as well as accumulating Gold & Silver bars to help diversify a bit more even though my other investments are in low-cost Index Funds and Real Estate REIT Funds and are on track at a 13+% growth rate. I know things are always changing but at the rate that things have been going, I should be a tax-free millionaire in 20-30 years, right before I retire, since that is my ultimate goal in the end. I need to start branching out a bit more to have more cash on hand at all times in case things need to adjust or change quickly like they always do anyway.

But I also just started playing The Money Game only about 10 or so years ago and it is not a short-term game either, it’s just like all of my investments now, long-term, and this will go on forever with no end in sight in my mind. All it will take is time and consistency for everybody to retire a millionaire.
Always check the facts and learn from the wise!

Fundrise Investing

Fundrise is a great option to also help diversify your investments more broadly.
I started questioning and began reading deeper and learning all of the points/facts to see if Fundrise is a good option for myself.
Look deep, learn, and let the facts & time do the work for you!
Turn your $1k-$10k+, and it only takes some time & some money to make work.

$50 extra for free! $50.00 FREE DOLLARS w/$10.00+ investment!

Get your money! Turn your $1k-$100k+ too!

There are also still multiple ways to make money outside of the common USA tax system., and, are great tools.

From $60/day to $250+/day. It took my actual money though to make money because nothing is ever free. Tax-free also, and there are fees to participate in everything.

One must learn to win, not just follow others blindly, because everybody gets taxed every year, and every day for living in America.

The Crypto game is not for the weak-minded!