General True Fact Comparisons for Everyone to Evaluate for Themselves
9/11/23, the facts from 9/11/01
Redacted News is THE ONLY NEWS worth watching!
Covid is/was a lie! Covid-19 lying doc!
America is 100% propaganda!
I only want to help people and businesses, and people aren’t always happy when I ask common and very simple questions. That’s okay, I’m just always interested to learn, and not to follow a claim/story.
Everyone is born, and everyone dies at some point.
First Law of Thermodynamics: “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only altered in the form“. Real data controls everything/everyone, not man-made stories that fool 80+% of the world.
I am a 100% Stoic man!
Carl Sagan and Cosmos are facts! Not fantasy!
Carl Sagan was one of the smartest humans ever born! Pure truth, and zero fantasy stories!
Learn the facts to win in life.
Neuroscience and psychology have rendered it unnecessary to have a soul!
Nobody comes back to life after dying. NOBODY does or ever has!
Science IS real, and magic is NOT real, just man-made.
Facts ARE real, and myths are NOT real, just man-made.
Technically and factually speaking, it’s BCE(Before the Common Era) & CE(Common Era) and not BC & AD. Times change and people adjust! True verifiable facts don’t lie, only humans lie!
I make 0 claims! I state repeatable truth only!
All manuscripts are man-made trash! Research the facts!
Arrogance IS inherited. Usually from indoctrination when growing up.
As a kid, I would constantly lie to get what I wanted. Now as a grown man, I do not need to lie. All I truly know is that Religion ruins everything! Truth sets the stage for everything.
What is Secular Humanism?
Religion is nothing but man-made lies. Nothing but contradictions!
Virgins can’t give birth to someone who is now living in the sky…But that is what the Religious myths say. And coming back to life after dying is impracticable and/or impossible! Knowledge is real and provable! That’s the real truth!
When there are over 80,000 versions of the Bible worldwide, including full Bibles in over 530 languages and portions of the Bible in about 2,900 languages… what makes you think what you are seeing or reading is factually true?! Facts! All versions of all Bibles are ancient Fable only.
Only believe things that are real, and that can also be reproduced over and over again & again because of proven/repeatable evidence. Mythology is useless to everyone. Everyone is misled at one or more points in their life. I thankfully educated myself enough to realize the facts before it was too late for my mind to follow the facts/evidence. But, being born into a Religious upbringing slowed my actual true knowledge acceleration pretty significantly because of childhood indoctrination. I don’t mind or care what anybody believes in, because I only believe in facts that are repeatable/true and hurt nobody!
Emotional Manipulation: What It Is and How to Cope
Thanks for wasting 35+ years of my life, fantasy religious beliefs. Religion is 100% make-believe!
Man does EVERYTHING! Humans love tricking others for profit, and religion is born! Facts
There are 7.79 BILLION RELIGIONS across the world! …with 8.12 billion believers!
What makes you think yours is true or real?!
I am the very rare 9% on the Earth who don’t believe.
Fundamentalism is based on dogmas or fantasy beliefs.
Disbelieve it or not, ancient history suggests that atheism is as natural to humans as religion.
Religious baggage will only slow you down in your life.
Religion and racism are identical because you can’t be anything but be in agreement with the others who believe in the horrible lies that you believe in. Both are disgusting. Sad but true.
Everybody lies or is lied to every day. Most people don’t even realize they are being lied to every single day, in one of the very many ways you are lied to. It happens all day, every day on Television and many other sources.
I am happy only to follow the facts! Sadly, most people will never look for the truth and only believe in fables they probably learned before they could read or write.
When people dodge around the facts/evidence they are usually lying.
Every human on Earth is primed to believe at a very early age!
Zero evidence for a ‘heaven’ or a ‘hell’ with a ‘devil’ or ‘satan’ or a ‘soul’ or ‘angels’. 0. None. Zero proof of anything! Nothing but man-made false stories with zero evidence to prove anything.
Religion is BAD for all humans, and none are true or real either. I gave up on religion in 2016, but should have much earlier, since I only was religious because my family was, and was forced into it as a kid because you follow your parent’s rules. I didn’t believe anything even when going to church with family(35+ years ago). Thank George Carlin for sparking curiosity in my mind about religious stories. I just love the truth, especially when it’s funny!
One should only care for the real truth. All religions are make-believe! They are all only ancient stories with no facts, and only claims, with no factual proof of anything at all.
Facts…we should always be curious, and not stuck in childish fables, AKA the Bible or any other false man-made stories/fables for complete control over any who follow/believe.
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I feel like I didn’t even start learning any real true knowledge until 10-15 years after graduating from college. That’s partially due to the US system that controls everything from the moment you are born then you pay the government until the day you die.
From the start of my life until the end, my only value in the true proven facts/evidence matter and nothing else!
Irrationality is common in all religions!
The power of all religions is to scare everyone to believe and follow, no thanks!
INFJ Sigma Male = Myself(Preston Tunnicliff), and I’m still looking for my ENTJ, ENFP, ENTP partner, or any other to complete or connect with me. Who knows, you may find me, or I may find you, I’m unsure, this “life game” can be tough sometimes, or all the time like America wants, don’t learn just follow others; no thanks, I always need to learn, continuously.
Living in America makes the average human stupid and overweight. Check the facts!
Mistakes are an enemy in life, never make the same mistake twice or be labeled a fool.
I was born and raised as a Christian when growing up, but I have since switched or deconverted to be a Nihilistic Atheist where I have believed in NO God since my mid-30s and have never been happier since my transition out of religion because of the lack of evidence.
0 proof/evidence of a God, a Devil, a Heaven, a Hell, or an afterlife. None!
Show proof or just say nothing!
The Bible is an iron-age manual to ancient man-made stories.
My mind is always running full-speed, all day and every day, because the real facts in everything are always purposely hidden. This is the deep truth about America, the leaders don’t want common citizens to learn the absolute real truths.
It’s nice believing in real facts/evidence that is demonstrable rather than in ancient stories that are meant to fool you. Even when I was considered a Christian I never believed in the fantasy religious tales/stories. I went from being raised as a Christian to 37 years old to becoming an Agnostic to then finally realizing I am an Atheist because real repeatable truth is the most important thing(s) in my only life.
People need to question everything because it’s very clear nobody lives in the sky or has ever died and then came back to life 3 days later. All Religions are 100% brainwashing!…they also play on Mentalism, which is pure mind-trickery as well. God is merciful, but only if you’re a man. To that, I say screw religion! Every religion is irrational. Everybody is a better human without religious beliefs.
See the list below of religions, and Nihilistic Atheist is NOT a religion, learn the facts/evidence. Everything you think was God was nothing but a random coincidental occurrence and NOT God. Religion is man-made. Even the men/humans who made it cannot agree on what their prophets, redeemers, or gurus said or did.
No human can prove any religion is true in any way!
Demonstrate something is true/real with proven or repeatable evidence or I will never believe it. True reality or I don’t care!
Atheism believes in NO God and no fantasy stories, and I’m a proud Atheist, being raised as a Christian under my family’s belief and indoctrination! Nihilism is the clearest way out of all fantasies! “None”, I believe in no religion!
All common “religions” below!
Folk Religion
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Religiously Unaffiliated
Traditional African Religions
Google search says… “According to historical records, across various ancient civilizations, there have been thousands of gods worshipped, with some estimates reaching into the tens of thousands, particularly when considering the numerous deities in ancient Egypt and the polytheistic religions of Mesopotamia where each city might have its own set of gods. ”
Which of these Religions are factually true? Zero/0
…it’s only a more accurate/correct way of thinking. Repeatable truth/evidence or nothing!
Human minds create all God’s! …Just like Santa, not real or provable!
I’M RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE! (Nihilistic Atheist) Nobody can prove I’m wrong because I believe in the truth ONLY! Not in ancient man-made stories that cannot be proved!
Atheism is NOT a religion! I believe in myself and the real repeatable truth only!
…and there are more because there are some 4,300 religions in the world, and if you don’t believe in one you will be punished by the other religions. None of them are real, and they are all make-believe, man-made.
I make zero claims! unlike every religion!
Everyone needs to look into the real facts/evidence and stop believing in things because of what others say without validating or seeing any true evidence. 0 evidence=false! When humans die, that is their end of life, forever.
I was shocked at the positive change in myself when I left Christianity. I wish I would have done it sooner!
Cognitive Biases will/can ruin your mind and thinking!
Argument From Ignorance: Can’t Prove A Thing
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) offers a pragmatic reason for believing in God: even under the assumption that God’s existence is unlikely, the potential benefits of believing are so vast that betting on theism is rational. It’s not!
Do your research, be skeptical, ask questions, and never stop questioning to find the real facts/evidence because everyone is lied to when growing up, do your research! You will thank yourself later, I know I sure did, and I wish I didn’t wait so many years(30+) to start questioning everything, now I question everything constantly and am happy knowing the truth rather than just following ancient stories with NO EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING. I was brainwashed into religion from birth, now that’s indoctrination, just like everybody else has been while growing up before you were old enough to decide for yourself. Having religious faith means you admit to believing in an ancient myth that can never be proved.
The Bible is THE WORST, IMMORAL & MOST FALSE BOOK ever created!… if you don’t believe in “God” you WILL GO TO “HELL”, another make-believe place meant to scare you into believing in this huge Fallacy… and also notice how many similar religions there are that were also only ever created to trick EVERYONE.
My plan or goal in life is to never stop learning in/about everything!
It is not intelligent to believe in things/stories that are not based on real facts/evidence & proven evidence!
Science runs and controls everything!
RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH!!! Always be skeptical! If you are a theist, then you should look into the real facts/evidence before you waste the rest of your life believing in a man-made god, because it is 100% fiction.
Real factual history… Before Common Era (BCE) & Common Era (CE), and NOT Before Christ(BC) & After Death(AD). Real facts/evidence, we all need them, but most don’t know them, or will never learn them!…because of heavy indoctrination when growing up, sad but true. If you believe in God you must also believe in Santa. How Religious Fundamentalism Hijacks the Brain, Religious Experiences Shrink Part of the Brain, The preachers getting rich from poor Americans, and Christianity warps children. The Bible is nothing but mythology FICTION to trick everyone.
Everything in or about religion is simply Superstitious, and ALL Religions simply steal away the one thing you can never replace, YOUR TIME, in the ONLY LIFE everyone has, this current life.
TRUST science, NOT religion. Science admits & fixes mistakes, religion does NOT, and will NEVER CHANGE & NEVER HAS! Religion is all Confirmation Bias, educate yourself.
Christmas is the biggest lie in the world! The entire story of Christmas is just marketing lies to make money and control EVERYBODY!
Brainwashing is one of the most powerful marketing methods ever created in history!
Check the facts! Are religious people less smart, on average, than atheists? Everything is and always has been created by humans other than the natural creations made by nature itself because there is just NO SOLID PROOF OF “GOD”, it is all simply ancient man-made stories meant to trick & control EVERYBODY. Churches should be taxed like the rest of us are. Christians can be the biggest hypocrites on the planet. I am now simply a Freethinker! Check your facts, and stop believing in Logical Fallacies, because that is EVERY RELIGION! Once I looked very hard and did my research on everything, I then realized that ALL religions are a lie, and are ALL copies of Gilgamesh, a giant myth, and all copies are/were modified to align with the people living in the surrounding areas worldwide. Religion destroys your mind and forces you to not look into anything and to simply trust in ancient stories with absolutely no proof or evidence of ANYTHING, like all of the childish stories that are in every religion. I’m walking away from the Christian religion because its fundamental claims are DEEPLY FLAWED. The Intersection of Science and Religion – Educate yourself because religion ruins everyone’s lives, and wastes their only life believing in man-made stories or Myths.
I only care about REAL FACTS, and not false stories, because most people only follow stories and not the REAL PROVEN FACTS/EVIDENCE! I know Oprah Winfrey promoted scam artists during her prime time many years ago like Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Suze Orman, and more. My Mother, and thousands/millions of other humans fell for these scams as well, it’s sad but true. Facts/evidence are the only thing that matters to everyone, NOT STORIES meant to trick your mind, just like the religious stories that are 100% FALSE that people still believe and spend their time & money on. I never want my child to ever go to church, and only want the best for him, and to just educate him enough to choose himself, unlike my religious indoctrination upbringing. It all is nothing but man-made lies stacked on top of many other lies to control you because all religions are man-made myths! Just foolish in my opinion, and money is just a tool, so make sure to use it wisely.
It’s sad that the world has known about global warming and its causes & has hidden the truth since 1957, that it’s from burning fossil fuels that changes the climate.
I am simply now a non-stop thinker, looking for knowledge and questioning everything in every way I can, every day constantly. I am an extremely specific thinker because I want only one thing, real honest, and proven facts/evidence to keep me and my life moving forward progressively. You must think BIG & NONLINEAR. It is always wise to suspend your belief in anything without any actual proven evidence!
And never forget, Alcohol is the true GATEWAY-DRUG NOT Marijuana, simply because alcohol can/will kill you if you are not careful, and Marijuana has NEVER killed anyone in history, look into that and hopefully you will see the facts/evidence. I ONLY look at real evidence of everything, and not the silly stories told by your parents or the silly Television news which is usually just meant to trick you just like all religions do. Teach your kid(s) how to think, not what to think. Accurate & proven facts/evidence are ALL that matter in the big picture! And there is also no such thing as luck; It’s just another excuse. Nothing happens without a cause. The weather today “didn’t just happen” it’s a result of specific causes, like every other thing in the world. Facts NEVER lie, humans ALWAYS LIE, not every time, but they do, so always check the provable facts/evidence to ensure the absolute truth before you choose what to do. And don’t ever forget about The Greatest Marketing Scam Of All Time – Diamonds: The Greatest Marketing Scam Of All Time, see the facts/evidence yourself. That is very closely followed by the Scam of Buying a new car as ‘the single worst financial decision’.
Skepticism: Why critical thinking makes you smarter
Facts/evidence are simply unavoidable, know about things before it is simply too late to make changes.
Always looking!…non-stop for realistic and probable/provable facts/evidence.
As a Nihilist Atheist, I believe we only live once, because facts/evidence are the only thing that matters to everybody! There is zero evidence of an afterlife, 0/zero, and that is why I do not believe in any of the man-made god myths.
3 things to remember:
1. The supernatural has never been proven.
2. There is no evidence of the supernatural.
3. There is no evidence of a Christian God or any Gods, none!
Just ancient man created stories and myths.
Religion Is a Gigantic Fraud
I am constantly learning, and am always curious to learn more.
Everybody dies at some point in their only life! Some live much longer than other people do b because of their life decisions and choices, truth in life can be very hard for some to understand.
Questioning everything opens your mind up, reading old stories makes your mind stop working. I am always thinking & learning, non-stop! Shortly after my time in college, I knew that I would never stop learning and would always be questioning everything every day.
I only care about the true & honest facts/evidence. Stories that can’t be reproduced or proven to be true in the 21st Century are guaranteed to be false and a waste of everyone’s time.
My only instinctual goal, in the end, is to win, not to just play. If you’re just playing “the game” in life to have fun & enjoy your time alive, you have already lost because you have learned nothing.
Learning about everything completely improved my mind. My Christian upbringing did nothing but lie about everything, and would always say “Just believe” with no proven or repeatable evidence in anything from the man-made stories. Once I learned that all the old stories are nothing but lies, I left religion completely, and want nothing to do with it ever again. I went from Christian for 37 years to an Agnostic, then to Atheist because I see 0 repeatable evidence to prove anything.
You don’t have a soul: Read real science that debunks superstitious charlatans.
What is the difference between biography and hagiography? One is real and the other is man-made.
Fables are not real!
I am an INFJ Sigma male and only look for facts/evidence. I reject all illusions!
Gold & Silver have held their value for 5,000 years!
313, Christianity became legal…
USA is a Ponzi!
Facts say/show everything
“Marriage is but slavery made to appear civilized.”
Albert Einstein
Gilgamesh is where most god myths came from!
All Religions are man-made! I don’t do cults, but I have realized I was in the Christian Cult when I was young, knew nothing, and was only following others. (ages 0-37) P.R.T., me, Preston Ryan Tunnicliff.
Religion is a mind-virus
A cult is a lay term for a group perceived as requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices considered deviant outside the norms of society. Such groups are typically led by a charismatic leader who tightly controls their members. AKA Churches!
Nitecore MH12 V2 CREE XP-L2 V6 LED Flashlight -1200 Lumen 21700 Battery Included $84.95 Tons of real facts are here! I’m always curious about everything!
Appeal to Ignorance Fallacy | Definition & Examples
Demonstrable evidence or nothing!
Your beliefs are WRONG… here’s why
No Gods, No Devil, No Satan, No Angels, No Afterlife, No Ghosts, No Demons, No Heaven, No Hell, No Soul. PURE FANTASY! 0 true evidence or proof OF ANYTHING! … other than natural humanity.
- Beliefs: Some Christian beliefs, such as the immortality of the soul and the concept of going to heaven, originated in ancient paganism.
- Practices: The Church Fathers incorporated pagan rituals into Christian practices to ease the transition to the new religion. For example, the early church re-established a priesthood, which added a barrier between the believer and God.
- Shrines: Many ancient cult sites were transformed into Christian shrines.
Christianity began as a movement within Judaism, but it spread into the Roman Empire and beyond, where it came into contact with the dominant pagan religions. The Byzantine Empire’s official policy towards paganism was tolerant for the first two centuries. Religion corrupts human thinking!
All Cults or Myths are pure human creation and not reality!
Humans create & destroy everything! …including themselves.
Don’t share garbage with me because I will reject it immediately.
These Are The Top 10 Reasons Why Christianity is a BLOOD Cult! Trust real facts, not me or other humans.
The real truth is so damn brutal to all humans!
Incredulous definition:
Incredulous is an adjective used to describe a person who is unable or unwilling to believe something, often implying disbelief or skepticism.
If people can’t prove something in my presence or after deep dissecting, I DON’T BELIEVE the claim/fact(s)!
Kurt Cobain and JonBenét Ramsey were murdered! And the killers are still free. 🙁 I am very sure the killers were directly connected to both. The 1990s were brutal, and I wasn’t even related to these people. My Father was my #1, but he died because of smoking cigarettes. Also very sad, but that’s life, fair for nobody. 🙁 Everyone lives, and everyone dies. That’s true reality.
Don’t learn, and only follow. Horrible idea!
William Lane Craig’s encouragement to lower the epistemological bar *drastically*
Just imagine how peaceful the World would be if there were no human-created religions!
Assume nothing, question everything!
Science is forever learning and growing. Religion is ancient man-made fantasies with zero evidence to prove anything. Religion HAS NEVER & WILL NEVER CHANGE! “Just believe”, no thanks, reality wins the real-life game, if you need to call it that.
Everybody wins and loses in their lives. It’s best to learn before deciding to commit or do anything because the actions could be very good or very bad. Be careful in everything! This is your ONLY LIFE!
The Simpsons have been funny and accurate for many decades. No wonder I have loved them even when I wasn’t allowed to watch them when young, Mojo to that.
Humor, honesty, and reality, that’s me, Preston Tunnicliff on LinkedIn, ptgraphix on Facebook.
“Noah’s flood” in the Bible NEVER happened!
Darn true real facts, destroying everything I learned when growing up.
There is 0 truth in Christianity!
It’s amazing how true reality destroys ancient fairy-tale stories! Not really!
600-800 god stories really! Which do you agree with?
I hate all fantasies!
Show or have proof or don’t even talk to me, my simple standards are very high!
True data destroys all dogma!
Every Religion is founded and entirely based on dogmas!
Every single Religion is based on false man-made claims, and not true verifiable facts.
Here are a few other things to save money on…
I push facts around to help save people and businesses! Truth is the ultimateforce!